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These hard-working farmers take tremendous pride in their coffee, and they can see God’s hand in making their dream to export coffee a reality. They give thanks to God for the success of the coffee project, and are excited and motivated as they look to future possibilities.  To meet these farmers and hear a bit of the coffee project story, check out the video to the right, created by Dave Groen of New West CRC. 

Meet the Farmers

Rio Olancho coffee producers receive training from coffee institute instructors from IHCAFE, in subjects including: coffee mills, coffee harvest, preparation of specialty coffee, use of equipment for drying and storage, and coffee cupping.  They also learn about environmentally friendly and sustainable farming methods to ensure their crop is the best quality possible. 

They participate in tasting demonstrations of conventional coffee, specialty coffee and also learn the technique of preparing a good cup of coffee.  Training such as this ensures the best coffee product possible, from their homes to yours.

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